#30DBWC Day 1: Basic Things
Yeay I make it to open my laptop today and write this haha.
So, the first challenge is:
Well, actually I don't really like this challenge because it'll be a long post, while I just got home from work and watched a football match between Indonesia and Hong Kong, and Indonesia won! Woohoo!
Okay, so let's go straight to the challenge.
Yeay I make it to open my laptop today and write this haha.
So, the first challenge is:
Write some basic things about yourself
Well, actually I don't really like this challenge because it'll be a long post, while I just got home from work and watched a football match between Indonesia and Hong Kong, and Indonesia won! Woohoo!
Okay, so let's go straight to the challenge.
- Vania Ayu Utami, nickname at home: Ayu, other than that: Vania
- I was born in Jakarta, August 8, 1994. Nice date, eh?
- 162cm/56kg. Getting fatter after work haha.
- I live in Bojong Gede, Bogor, while studied in Jakarta and Depok, and currently working in Jakarta. So, it's been 12 years of me commuting using railway train. I saw the revolution from economy trains, messy stations to what they are today.
- I like languages, especially foreign languages. I like learning them, never get bored nor tired. Not really, sometimes I do haha. But I take the pain in a better way than when I studied math x.x and I utilized this fondness by taking foreign language classes in uni, and got lots of As, hence 'cum laude' title is present on my academic transcript haha.
- Introvert person, although my MBTI, which I don't believe, said otherwise. No, I can be a crazy girl if I feel people surrounding me can accept me for who I am lol.
- Non-believer of: flat earth, MBTI, and kerokan
- I like walking and outdoor activities
- Not that stylish, I wear what I feel comfortable.
- I like discounts and cheap things.
- Member of FPI (Front Pembela Indomie). Indomie Goreng garis keras!!!!11!1!11!!
- Always bring water bottle in my bag, and also phone charger
- I like comedy, adventure, sci-fi, and mindblowing films
- Dislike sinetron, but sometimes I watch dorama and K-drama
- Tolerant
- People who just know me would feel that I'm a timid person, while inside I sing My Chemical Romance songs (?)
- Idk how but currently I am watching Produce 48. My favs are Chae Yeon, Miyu, and Miru. I love Sihyun's perfect bangs.
- Fav guys: news anchor, since they are good in looks and in brain, though I know they just read from a prompter. My fav news anchor: Rory Asyari (though he's no longer being a news anchor today), Zulfikar Naghi (from 2011 until now, bangggg), and Jemmy Darusman (who just broke many hearts including mine since he's married this August hiks)
- Cooking <<<<<<<< Eating
- What I like to do while abroad: do things like locals
- I had crush(es) while commuting
- Fav public transportation: Seoul subway, KL LRT, Transjakarta
- Type of guy: lemme explain it in Indonesian: tinggi, berisi, tapi gak buncit. Believe in gender equality and implement it, likes outdoor activities, can handle my randomness, or someone with higher degree of randomness. Patient, gold-hearted (?), and friendly. Plus if multilingual, polyglot, and able to play musical instruments.
- I have wide hips and thighs, yet small face, eyes, lips, and thin wrists.
- I know my ID card number and account number by heart.
- Passionate in baking and pudding, although rarely make them.
- A place I like to observe: minimarts
- Contrary to typical 24-year-old girls, I am against young marriage. And I myself would likely not getting married before 25. I even think about living alone.
- Got my confidence from Saman Dance Club back then in high school. It was life-changing!
Well, I think that's more than enough. See you tomorrow in the next post!
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